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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Field Trip to our store

I never thought that we would host twenty five second graders on a field trip! But sure enough, right on time, they filed into our store single line, with wide open eyes, full of excitement about what they might encounter on their journey to the Fairhaven Toy Garden.
They have learned about spinning, rolling, and balancing and that many toys use those motions. The children presented to us three toys that they made: a car that rolls, a top that spins, and a sculpture that balances.
After a short demo of some spinning, rolling, and balancing toys that we carry, they engaged in some focused research work: Trying out a top, rearranging the train set, asking many great questions...
And off they went, back to school.
What a great way to start a day for all of us!
Thanks for coming

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