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Sunday, January 18, 2009


Throughout human history the ball has been the most revered and widely used tool in the industry of fun. Cultures that were a globe away from each other in times predating transatlantic exploration, developed games/ceremonies that used a ball. Before the Egyptians or the Romans or the Greeks or the Mayans or the Aztecs ever had contact with outside cultures they were thought to have developed games. And the ball was a crucial aspect of these games. Somehow, the ball - as an instrument of fun - is part of the human subconcious; streaming through the mind of every human on earth is an idea about the ball and the fun that can come from it's use.

Even in the developement of the mind from infancy, one of the easiest words for a young tounge to accurately articulate is "ball". One of the easiest objects to understand on a physical level is the ball. The human mind just seems to want to understrand and manipulate the ball. And as man kind progressed on it's march through time, the greatest and not-so-greatest games in civilization used or still use the ball as an integral piece of the game: baseball, soccer(futball), ulama(ancient aztecs), football, lacross, polo, cricket, billiards, tennis, raquet ball, rugby, etc. etc. etc. The list can and does go on for a long while.

History has given us reason to beleive that the ball is the most universally valued toy and personal experience would have hopefully given any reader of this a similar conclusion. I would even venture to say that humanity needs the ball. Which makes it all the more fortunate that we want the ball. Here's to the ball.

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